Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pretty-in-Pink Pickled Radishes

My last radish recipe suggestion for the day—pickled radishes! Adapted from ( The author writes that "These are Japanese-style pickles, with a well-balanced sweet/sour flavor and a satisfying crunch! [They] can be served as a first course to whet the appetite, on a relish tray, or as a side with a sandwich. You can store the pickles in glass jars, plastic containers or any non-reactive metal container, provided they have a decent fitting lid."

Pretty-in-Pink Pickled Radishes
¾ cup hot water
½ cup rice wine vinegar
6 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon salt
2 bunches red radishes, rinsed and drained

1. Combine water, vinegar, sugar and salt in a large jar, cover with a lid and shake it up until the sugar and salt are dissolved. Alternatively, you can stir them in a non-reactive (glass, ceramic, stainless) bowl. Set aside.
2. Remove the greens from the radishes and reserve for another use. Quarter the radishes. Smaller radishes can be halved and larger ones may need to be cut into sixths. You'll want them to be roughly the same size.
3. Pack radishes into your container of choice, cover with the brine and then the lid, and place in the refrigerator. Let sit at least 3 days before enjoying (although they can be eaten sooner.) They should last for up to one month in the refrigerator.

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